+970 2 240 1776

SIRCLES-Supporting Circular Economy Opportunities for Employment and Social Inclusion

To increase green employment opportunities by providing skills to NEET and women based on circular economy business model applied in the hotel, food retail and household sectors.

Review the Tariff Structure for Water and Wastewater and Design and Implement Training and Public Awareness Campaigns for Attil and Alsharawiyeh Municipalities / Trans-boundary Wastewater Pollution Control Project Phase II

Review the Tariff Structure for Water and Wastewater and Design and Implement Training and Public Awareness Campaigns for Attil and Alsharawiyeh Municipalities / Trans-boundary Wastewater Pollution Control Project Phase II

Design and Implementation of Training and Public Awareness Campaign / Trans-boundary Wastewater Pollution Control

Organizing and conducting community awareness program to promote household connection to municipal networks, improve hygiene behavior, build consensus on the proposed tariff and improve cost recovery of wastewater collection and treatment. Strengthening the management and operational capacities of the targeted municipalities through structured training: on-job training and coaching.

Empowering and Strengthening the Involvement of the Local community through the optimal utilization of rainwater resources in environmental and agriculture activities in Jalboun catchment

Encourage farmers to implement low-cost water harvesting in suitable agricultural land. Sustain and increase agricultural productivity by increasing green areas, increasing soil fertility, conserving plant biodiversity and preventing desertification. Raising the awareness of the local community, especially the farmers, about the importance of water harvesting and the techniques used.

Support to Human Capacity Development of the Palestinian Water Sector Wastewater Training Package (GIZ)

The main objective of the GIZ program with regards to Human Capacity Development (HDC) is to support the Palestinian Water Sector to build its Human Capacity and Capabilities in line with the Palestinian national strategy of the PWA.

Detailed Assessment/Mapping for Agriculture Water Resources in Bardalah Watershed (Kardalah, Bardalah and Ein Al-Beida)

The overall objective of the study is to develop a comprehensive database to Bardalah watershed that will help and guide the decision makers and the strategic planners to take the right decisions about the optimal planning, development and management of the available agricultural water resources for this watershed.

Oct 17, 2021 HWE

Nablus Springs

Nablus Springs

Areas of work

HWE works closely with Newcastle University (UK) and many other international institutions and funding agencies such as UNESCO, ESCWA, CEDARE, UNU, USAID, DFID, AFD, GTZ, GWP, EUWI, JICA, ACSAD, BGR, EU, etc.

Main Goals

HWE offers a wide variety of services in water, sanitation and environmental engineering and science from the needs identification stage to the elaboration of tender documents, supervision of works and technical assistance.