R&D Project Reports
Construction of Onsite Grey Wastewater Treatment Plant at Deir Ammar Club –
→ Construction of Onsite Grey Wastewater Treatment Plant at Deir Ammar Club
West Bank and Gaza Infrastructure Needs Program II (INP II)
→ Qabatia Wastewater System Environmental Scoping Statement
→ Al Yamoun Wastewater System Environmental Scoping Statement
→ Ya'bad Wastewater System Environmental Scoping Statement
→ Azzoun Wastewater System Environmental Scoping Statement
→ Dura Wastewater System Environmental Scoping Statement
→ Tarqumiya Wastewater System Environmental Scoping Statement
Consultancy Services for Understanding and analyzing the current Israeli wastewater
practices for transboundary wastewater management from Palestinian communities
→ Understanding and Analyzing the current Israeli Wastewater Practices for
Transboundary Wastewater Management from Palestinian Communities
Improving Water Supply in Arab Jahalin Community
→ Geotechnical Investigation Report - Arab Jahalin Tank Project
Study of Eastern Aquifer and Master Plan for Bulk Water Supply Systems in the Southern
West Bank
→ Baseline Report
→ Model Report
Initial Environmental Evaluation - Jericho
→ Initial Environmental Evaluation for Improvement of Roads in Jericho City
Setting-up Groundwater Protection Management Plan of the Coastal Aquifer/ Gaza Strip
→ Setting-up Groundwater Protection Plan of the Coastal Aquifer of Gaza Strip
Protection of Nablus Springs' System
→ Protection of Nablus Springs
Pumping Water By Using Solar Radiation
→ Brochure
Wastewater Treatment Plant Ramallah, consulting services for the Preparation of a
→ Assessment of the Impacts of constructing wastewater treatment plants at Ein
Jariout (EJ) and Ein Qinya (EQ) Locations on the Groundwater Environment:
Detailed Investigation
Improving Living Conditions in the Arab Jahalin Community Through Improving Access
to Water and Community Awareness Raising
→ Improving Living Conditions in the Arab Jahalin Community Through Improving
Access to Water and Community Awareness Raising
Assessment of the Impact of Pollution Sources on the Water Environment and the Lives
of the Residents in Salfeet District, Palestine
→ Assessment of the Impact of Pollution in Salfeet Hydrogeological Assessment,
Vulnerability Mapping, Hazard and Risk Assessment
→ Health Risk Assessment of Pollution and Guidelines for Groundwater Protection
in Salfeet
→ Training Activity - Water and Health Awareness among School Students
→ Training Activity - Water and Health Awareness among Women
→ Training Activity - Introductory GIS Training
→ Final Report
Rehabilitation of Springs in the West Bank
→ Springs of Union Villages: Study about hydrology and rehabilitation needs
→ Needs assessment for Battir Springs
→ Inventory Survey for Improvement of Spring Water Conveyance System for the
Feasibility Study on Water Resources Development and Management for Jordan
River Rift Valley
Groundwater Wells: Siting, drilling, testing, developing and putting into operation
→ Proposing a New Site for a Production Well within Nablus Municipality
→ Deir Sharaf No.3 Well at Sabastyeh Village- Construction, Design and Test-
→ The Feasibility Study on Water Resources Development and Management for
Jordan River Rift Valley - Inventory Survey for Rehabilitations of Wells
→ Proposing Four Sites for Drilling - Nablus Municipality
→ Al Far’a Well Rehabilitation Report
→ Audala Well Rehabilitation Report
→ Specific Capacity Test for Deir Sharaf Well No.2a
Assessment of the Supply/Demand Gap & Evaluation of the Sustainable Measures
→ Assessment of the Supply/Demand Gap and Evaluation of the Sustainable
Measures towards Sustainable Water Resources in Palestine
Improved Management of Water Resources in Palestine
→ Background Document for the Yarkon (Ras El Ain) Catchment
Influence of Urban Development on the Quality of Groundwater
→ "Influence of Urban Development on the Quality of Groundwater" Guidelines
Design for Groundwater Protection
→ Background Document on the Water Environment of the Ramallah-Al Bireh
Sustainable Water Management Improved Tomorrow’s Cities’ Health
→ Beneficiaries’ perception and drivers and barriers of applying non-conventional
source separated grey wastewater management in Palestinian rural areas
→ Ecological Sanitation Training Course
→ Methods development for pharmaceutical compounds measurement
→ Survey of the mostly used pharmaceutical compounds and hormones in the West
Bank - Palestine
Using phytoremediation techniques in treating groundwater resources
→ Using Reed Plants to Treat Polluted Groundwater Phytoremediation at Sinjel
Village, Palestine
Groundwater Flow Modelling
→ A Preliminary Steady-State Groundwater Flow Model for the Eocene Aquifer
of the City of Nablus
Feasibility Study and Conceptual design for wastewater treatment plant in PIF Housing
Project – Ramallah North
→ Hydrogeological and Vulnerability Assessment of PIF Housing Project
SUSMAQ Reports
→ Summary Report
Flow Modeling
→ Boundaries of the Western Aquifer Basinand and the Eocene Aquifer in the
Northeastern Aquifer Basin
→ Compiled Base Data for the Numerical Groundwater Flow Model of the Western
Aquifer Basin
→ Conceptual and Steady-State Flow Models of the Eocene Aquifer in the North-
Eastern Aquifer Basin
→ Conceptual Flow Model of the Western Aquifer Basin
→ Conceptual, Steady-State and Transient-State Models of the Eocene Aquifer in
the North-eastern Aquifer Basin
→ Data Review on the West Bank Aquifers
→ Development of Utilisation and Status of Water Resources in Historical Palestine
→ Hydrological Model of the Yarkon Tanninim Aquifer
→ Hydrological Service Yarkon - Taninim - Beer Sheva Basin, Update of the Model
→ Hydrological ServiceYarkon - Taninim - Beer Sheva Basin Setup and Calibration of
the Flow and Salinity Models
→ Steady State and Transient Flow Models of the Western Aquifer Basin
→ Steady State Flow Model of the Western Aquifer Basin
Management Options
→ Management Option Inception Report
→ Water Security and Links with Water Policy in Palestine
→ Development and Application of a Regional Climate Model for Assessing the
Impacts of Land Use and Climate Changes
→ Rainfall Variability and Change in the West Bank
→ Stochastic Space-Time Modelling of West Bank Rainfall for Present and Future
→ Hydrogeochemistry of the Aquifers of the West Bank Review and Interpretation
of the Available Data with regard to Recharge, Water Quality and Groundwater
→ Recharge Modelling for West Bank Aquifers
→ West Bank Aquifers- Conceptual Recharge Estimation
→ West Bank Aquifers-Distribution of Empirical Estimates of Groundwater
Recharge by Month
→ An Analysis of Water Use, Livelihoods and Local Stakeholders in Palestine
→ Context for Sustainable Water Resources Management under Changing Social
and Economic Conditions in Palestine
→ Definition of Sustainability Indicators for Water Resources Management
Options in Palestine
→ Development of a Framework for Evaluating SUSMAQ Management Options
→ Development of Sustainable Water Resources Management Options for
→ Evaluation of Economic Sustainability Indicators for Water Resources
Management Options in Palestine
→ Evaluation of Environmental Sustainability Indicators for Water Resources
Management Options in Palestine
→ Evaluation of Socio-Economic Sustainability Indicators for Water Resources
Management Options in Palestine
→ Implementation of a Decision Support Framework for the Sustainability
Assessment of SUSMAQ Management Options
→ Report on Stakeholder Workshops in the West Bank and Gaza
→ Sustainability Assessment Case Studies of Water Resources Management
Options in Palestine
→ Sustainable Yield of Palestinian Aquifers
→ Technical Manual for SUSMAQ Decision Support Toolkit Software for
Sustainability Assessments of Water Resources Management Options in
→ User Guide for SUSMAQ Decision Support Toolkit Software for Sustainability
Wadi Natuf catchment area
→ Conceptual Model of Wadi Natuf Groundwater Recharge
→ Field Measurement Campaign for Wadi Natuf Recharge Estimation - Background,
Design and Workplan
→ Field trips to the springs in Wadi Natuf
→ Investigation of possible run-off measurement sites and accessible roads to the
→ Overview investigation of sites and access roads
→ Purchase and installation of field measurement equipment for Wadi Natuf
recharge assessment study
→ Run-off and spring flow investigation
→ Site Investigation Sprinkler test site near Wadi Natuf
→ Recharge Estimation of Wadi Natuf Catchment Study Area
HWE works closely with Newcastle University (UK) and many other international institutions and funding agencies such as UNESCO, ESCWA, CEDARE, UNU, USAID, DFID, AFD, GTZ, GWP, EUWI, JICA, ACSAD, BGR, EU, etc.
HWE offers a wide variety of services in water, sanitation and environmental engineering and science from the needs identification stage to the elaboration of tender documents, supervision of works and technical assistance.