+970 2 240 1776

Funding Agency





  1. Encourage farmers to implement low-cost water harvesting in suitable agricultural land.

  2. Sustain and increase agricultural productivity by increasing green areas, increasing soil fertility, conserving plant biodiversity and preventing desertification.

  3. Raising the awareness of the local community, especially the farmers, about the importance of water harvesting and the techniques used.

Project Partners





Project Outputs

  1. 8 dunums through intercropping were cultivated.

  2. 6 dunums-olive-planted were rehabilitated by applying half-moon technique.

  3. Green lands area, about 15 dunums were increased through the construction of the dam.

  4. Number of temporal jobs were created through implementing half-moon technique (workers).

  5. Final Report.



Areas of work

HWE works closely with Newcastle University (UK) and many other international institutions and funding agencies such as UNESCO, ESCWA, CEDARE, UNU, USAID, DFID, AFD, GTZ, GWP, EUWI, JICA, ACSAD, BGR, EU, etc.

Main Goals

HWE offers a wide variety of services in water, sanitation and environmental engineering and science from the needs identification stage to the elaboration of tender documents, supervision of works and technical assistance.