+970 2 240 1776

Aliewi, A., Imseih, N., Abdulghafour, D. (2013). Protecting the Groundwater Environment of Tulkarem City of Palestine from Industrial and Domestic Pollution.

  Protecting the Groundwater Environment of Tulkarem City of Palestine from Industrial
        and Domestic Pollution

HWE (2010). Groundwater in Palestine and its Vulnerability to Contamination.

Groundwater in Palestine and its Vulnerability to Contamination

Aliewi, A., Imseih, N., Rajab, K., Sheikheh, N. and Sawalmeh, A. (2010). Pollution Risks Facing the Water Resources of Tulkarm City and the Development of Protection Policies. Proceedings of 9th Gulf Water Conference on Water Sustainability in the GCC Countries. 22-25 March, 2010, Sultanate of Oman.

Polution Risks Facing the Water Resources of Tulkarm City and the Development of
        Protection Policies

HWE (2010). Short briefing paper on the water and sanitation situation in the Jahalin Community

Short briefing paper on the water and sanitation situation in the Jahalin Community

Aliewi, A. (2009). Management and conflict aspects of waters between Palestine and Israel. Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution Vol. 1(4), pp. 088-097, September, 2009.

Management and conflict aspects of waters between Palestine and Israel

Aliewi, A. S and Nofel. I. (2008). Water Saving Practices at Household Level in Palestine, a Case Study Jayyous Village, Qalqilia Governorate, Palestine. Proceedings of First Symposium on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Water Demand Management in Palestine. 2-3 April, 2008 Birzeit University, Palestine.

Water Saving Practices at Household Level in Palestine, a Case Study Jayyous Village,
        Qalqilia Governorate, Palestine

Aliewi, A. S, and Abu Madi, M (2008). Costs and Benefits of Wastewater Treatment and Reuse for Irrigation in Wadi Al-Nar, Palestine. Proceedings of First Symposium on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Water Demand Management in Palestine. 2-3 April, 2008 Birzeit University, Palestine.

Ghannam, S. Abu Sadah, M. and Aliewi, Amjad (2007). Evaluation of the Suitable Measures towards Sustainable Water Resources in Palestine. Proceedings the International conference: Sustainable Development and management of Water in Palestine organised by HWE, 27-29 August 2007, Amman , Jordan.

Evaluation of the Suitable Measures towards Sustainable Water Resources in Palestine

Mimi, Z. Aliewi, A. Assi,A. Samhan, S. and Shalash ,I.(2007). Quality Control of Urban Runoff and Sound Management: Rammallah as a Case Study. Proceedings the International conference: Sustainable Development and management of Water in Palestine organised by HWE, 27-29 August 2007, Amman , Jordan.

Quality Control of Urban Runoff and Sound Management Ramallah District as a Case

Aliewi and Assaf (2007). Box 6.2 Water Rights in the Palestinian Territories in UNDP Human Development Report 2006- “ Beyond Scarcity: Power, Poverty and the global water crisis

Box 6.2 Water Rights in the Palestinian Territories
UNDP Human Development Report 2006

Al-Yaqubi, A., Aliewi, A.S. and Mimi, Z. A. (2007). Bridging Domestic Supply Water Demand Gap in Gaza Strip - Palestine. Water International Journal. Volume 32, Number 2, Pg. 219-229, June 2007.

Bridging Domestic Supply Water Demand Gap in Gaza Strip-Palestine

Aliewi, A. and Assaf, K (2006). Shared Management of Palestinian and Israeli Groundwater Resources: A Critical Analysis, pp 17-32, in Water Resources in the Middle East, Israel-Palestinian Water Issues- From Conflict to Cooperation, Vol 2, Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, Editors: Hillel Shuval and Hasan Dweik, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.

The Shared Management of Palestinian/Israeli Groundwater Resources Critical Analysis

Aliewi, A.S, etal (2006). Assessment of Groundwater Quality and Protection in Palestine. Published in "Status of Groundwater Quality in the Arab Region" Technical documents, Groundwater Protection Network, Egypt.

Assessment of Groundwater Quality and Protection in Palestine

Mimi, Z. A, and Aliewi, A.S. (2006). Management of Shared Aquifer Systems Using Multi-Criteria Decision Tool: Palestinian-Israeli Mountain Aquifer as a Case Study. Arabian Journal for Engineering and Science (AJES), Saudi Arabia.

Management of Shared Aquifer Systems Israeli-Palestinian Mountain Aquifer as a case

Al- Yaqubi, A, Aliewi, A.S. Mimi, Z. ( 2005).Domestic Water Management in Terms of Quantity and Quality in Gaza Strip/ Palestine. Proceedings of WSTA Seventh Gulf Water Conference on Water in the GCC Toward an Integrated Water Management, 19-23 November 2005,Kuwait.

Domestic Water Demand Management in terms of quality and Quantity in Gaza Strip/

Mimi, Z.A, and Aliewi, A. S. (2005). Sustainable Development of the Palestinian Water Sector within IWRM. Proceedings of Groundwater Protection workshop organised by UNESCO, 15-18 September 2005, Damascus, Syria.

Sustainable Development of the Palestinian Water Sector within IWRMl

Al Masri, M. N, Ghabayen, S, Kaluarachchi, Jarrar, A, Jayyousi, A, Mckee, A and Aliewi, A, 2005. Assessment of nitrate contamination in Gaza Strip, Palestine. Accepted for the EWRI conference in Alaska, USA ( May 16-19, 2005)

A. S. Aliewi, R. Mackay, A. Jayyousi, K. Nasereddin, A. Mushtaha and A.Yaqubi. Numerical Simulation of the Movement of Saltwater under Skimming and Scavenger Pumping in the Pleistocene Aquifer of Gaza and Jericho Area, Palestine

Numerical Simulation of the Movement of Saltwater under Skimming and Scavenger
        Pumping in the Pleistocene Aquifer of Gaza and Jericho Area, Palestine

Abu Sada, M.A., Aliewi, A.S, and Kawash, F. (2005). Toward Sustainable Management of the Palestinian Groundwater Aquifers, Western Aquifer Basin as a Case Study. Proceedings the International Conference Water: Values and Rights, 2-5 May 2005 Ramallah, Palestine.

Strategic Planning of the Palestinian Water Sector: Development of a management tool
        for the Western Aquifer Basin

Aliewi, A.S, (2005). Sustainable Development of the Palestinian Water Sector under Arid / Semi –Arid Conditions. Proceedings of the Workshop on Arid/ Semi- Arid Groundwater Governance and Management, 3-7 April 2005, Cairo, Egypt.

Sustainable development of the Palestinian water sector under arid/semi-arid
        conditions: an environmental and socio-economic approach

Aliewi, A.S, Assaf, K. K. (2004). Planning for Water Resources Development in the Lower Jordan River Valley. Proceedings of the International Conference on Regional Hydro-Political Challenges of Sustainable Management of Transbondary River Basin, 26-27 October 2004, Beirut, Lebanon.

Aliewi, A.S, Assaf K. K. (2004). Brief Overview and Historical Background of the Proposed Red Sea- Dead Sea Canal Project. Proceedings of the International Conference on Regional Hydro-Political Challenges of Sustainable Management of Transbondary River Basin, 26-27 October 2004, Beirut, Lebanon.

Aliewi, A., Yaqubi, A. and Salih, K. (2004). Palestinian Water Resources Policies Towards Sustainable Development of the Water Sector. Proceedings of Second Regional Conference on Arab Water 2004 – Action Plans for Integrated Development, April 13-15, 2004, Cairo-Egypt.

Tubeileh, H., Shaheen, H. and Aliewi, A. (2004). Modelling of the Eocene Aquifer in Northern West Bank. An Najah Journal-Scientific Branch.

A. S. Aliewi, P. L. Younger, Q. Abdul-Jaber, H. Husary and A. L. Khalid. Assessment of vulnerability of the Turonian-Upper Cenomanian aquifer to wastewater disposal from the City of Nablus, Palestine

Assessment of vulnerability of the Turonian-Upper Cenomanian aquifer to wastewater
        disposal from the City of Nablus, Palestine

A. S. Aliewi, I. Miqdadi and A. Mushtaha. (2002). Impact of Raw Sewage Disposal and tge Use of Scavenger Wells to Control Groundwater Pollution in Gaza, Palestine. Reviews in Biology and Biotechnology. Vol.2, No 1, pp.29-37, April 2002.

Health Impact of Raw Sewage Disposal and tge Use of Scavenger Wells to Control Groundwater
       Pollution in Gaza, Palestine

You can find all "Papers" on this link

Areas of work

HWE works closely with Newcastle University (UK) and many other international institutions and funding agencies such as UNESCO, ESCWA, CEDARE, UNU, USAID, DFID, AFD, GTZ, GWP, EUWI, JICA, ACSAD, BGR, EU, etc.

Main Goals

HWE offers a wide variety of services in water, sanitation and environmental engineering and science from the needs identification stage to the elaboration of tender documents, supervision of works and technical assistance.