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This has been a fruitful period for House of Water and Environment. As part of SIRCLES project objectives, which generally aims at supporting circular economy opportunities for employment and social inclusion in a number of countries including Palestine, HWE has officially started separating biowaste in a number of Ramallah’s targeted restaurants, hotels, and vegetable markets. The separation is being implemented by a number of individuals who previously participated in a training program held by HWE which aims at preparing them for their green jobs.
The objective of the separation is environmental and social: It is based on reducing the amount of waste generated from restaurants and hotels (approximately 2 tons per day), in addition to securing green job opportunities for NEETs and women, which has a role in developing new capabilities and creating a culture of green practices (producing compost from separated organic waste).
فترة مثمرة تمر فيها مؤسسة دار المياه والبيئة خلال تنفيذ أنشطة مشروع SIRCLES ، والذي يقوم على دعم فرص الاقتصاد الدائري للتوظيف والإدماج الاجتماعي، حيث تم دمج عدد من المتدربين الذين تم استهدافهم في برنامج تدريب عملي ونظري حول فصل النفايات العضوية في عدد من المطاعم والفنادق ومحلات الخضار المستهدفة في المشروع في مدينة رام الله.
الهدف من الفصل بيئي واجتماعي، حيث يقوم على تقليل كمية النفايات الناتجة من المطاعم والفنادق (ما يقارب 2 طن يوميا)، بالإضافة الى تأمين فرص عمل خضراء مخصصة للشباب وللنساء العاطلين عن العمل، مما له دور في تنمية قدرات جديدة وخلق ثقافة الممارسات الخضراء (إنتاج سماد عضوي "كمبوست" من النفايات العضوية المفصولة).

Areas of work

HWE works closely with Newcastle University (UK) and many other international institutions and funding agencies such as UNESCO, ESCWA, CEDARE, UNU, USAID, DFID, AFD, GTZ, GWP, EUWI, JICA, ACSAD, BGR, EU, etc.

Main Goals

HWE offers a wide variety of services in water, sanitation and environmental engineering and science from the needs identification stage to the elaboration of tender documents, supervision of works and technical assistance.